Dental Tips for Kids

Here are some of our best tips to get your kiddo on track to a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums:

  • Schedule 6-month check-ups. Schedule an appointment ASAP if it’s been over six months since your child’s last visit to the dentist.
  • Clean your baby’s gums daily. As your child teethes, gently wipe their gums with a clean, damp cloth to wipe off bacteria after each time they eat.
  • First tooth = start brushing. It’s time to begin brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as their first tooth emerges. With an infant toothbrush, use water and a rice-grain-size of toothpaste to clean the tooth.
  • Brush twice each day for two minutes. All 2-6 years old should use a pea-size amount of toothpaste and children’s toothpaste. For children under six years, be sure to monitor them as they are prone to toothpaste swallowing.
  • Start flossing. With your child’s teeth begin to touch, it’s time to start flossing.
  • Give them healthy snacks. Sugary drinks and candies are not suitable for oral health (or even overall health!). Calcium-rich snacks like cheese or low-sugar yogurt are great, though! If you have to resort to candy – a chocolate bar is preferable to gummy or sticky sweets. These kinds can get lodged in between the teeth, even after brushing.
  • Keep them hydrated with water. Water can rinse away particles that cause cavities. Plus, it’s so good for them as it is the most effective drink for proper hydration!


Dr. Daniel Hall is an expert when it comes to your children’s oral health, and he is eager to offer them the best services in a friendly and warm environment, at the Sunray Pediatric Dentistry clinic.

Contact us to give your child the oral care he or she deserves.

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